March 13 (Sunday)
at 7:00 pm (GMT-07:00)
Class length
90 minutes
online & in-person
This is an incredibly high vibrational light infusion meditation where the Divine Feminine known as Mother Mary - The Queen of Angels - will bless us with her gifts of sacred love, strength, compassion and nurturing.
We will moved through a guided meditation experience where we will have the opportunity to lay at her feet all our worries, all our challenges and all our dreams. She will enfold us in her divine mantle of protection and unconditional love...and in her embrace, we shall be reborn...
Love donation only - (suggested $20)
** Online and in-person available - In person at Radiant Soul Center
We will join together, harnessing the exponential power of group synergy to connect our hearts and minds to the purest energies of Divine Love. This energy will assist us in MANIFESTING heaven on earth, as we plant seeds of loving intention for the spiritual betterment of all beings.
The energies during this potent time, touched by the Divine Mother, will bring together a much needed balancing of the individual needs with those of the collective, specifically within relationships...and on a larger scale, the energies of the masculine and feminine, conflict and peace.
What you can expect:
I look forward to sharing this incredible event with you!
Jeanette St.Germain
Sorry - that class has already taken place!