Radiant Soul Center

New Year, New You - Intuitive Insights & Heavenly Messages for 2024
with Jeanette


January 2 (Tuesday)
at 7:00 pm (GMT-07:00)

Class length
120 minutes

online & in-person

New Year, New You - What's Ahead in 2024 - Energies & Messages from Spirit! Year of the Dragon awaits!


Jeanette's Intuitive Insights about 2024 + Tips and Tools for Creating a Better World Right NOW!

Are you ready to start your new year with insight, clarity and a passionate connection to all that you are? 

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired with the way the world is presenting itself, personally and collectively these past few months and even years? 

Are you looking for a REAL new beginning, seeking a higher purpose, a lighter state of awareness that can fuel you into the coming weeks and months with renewed life-force and an unshakable trust in the divine nature of all things?

If so, then join us for a beautiful evening of high vibrational energy, intuitive sharing & practical tools that you can use right here, right now, to make your world a better place!

The insights, discussion and information shared during this event will be sure to boost your hope in a better future and empower our co-creative abilities to create a place of heaven on Earth, together!

$44 per person, $80 for 2 

What you can expect from this event:

  • Intuitive insights about the coming energies in the New Year.
  • Personal messages from your angels and guides to assist you in the coming year.
  • Channeling of energies and insights from Divine Source Light!
  • Energetic themes for 2024 and how to navigate the shifting energies as we move more and more up and out of the 3D mentality experience and into the 5D heart centered experience.
  • Numerology of the "8" Vibration - 2024 and the year of the Dragon Codes! Spiritual awakening accelerates in the collective and the old, outdated programs come up for even more transmutation through love and unity consciousness.
  • 8 = as above, so below, great transformation, new beginnings, accelerated abundance and prosperity, infinite potential, deep forgiveness and authentic soul anchored in collective service...MISSION activation...
  • How this new year holds the energy of divinely inspired choice, higher wisdom teachings, co-creation, a balancing of the masculine and feminine, unity consciousness and what this means for us personally and collectively.
  • Relationship energies at the forefront - shifting from the "I," through the "We" into "Us" in a whole new way.
  • Importance of Community on the Ascension path now - its not just about individuals waking up anymore...
  • How do we raise the vibe and hold love when everything around us seems the opposite?
  • Why is "shifting perspective and raising vibration" important?
  • Tips and tools, practical ideas and insights to help you through those moments that seem the most challenging.

I look forward to sharing this incredible evening with you! Please let me know if you have any questions, and I can't wait see you!

Jeanette St.Germain


Jeanette St.Germain is a spiritual author, teacher, and speaker. She has served clients all over the world as a multi-dimensional channel, psychic medium, and energetic healer committed to helping others embrace their own inner radiance! Her private sessions and public events often include inspired angelic messages, clarity of life purpose, and deep healing through all layers of the energy field.


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