Radiant Soul Center

12/12 Mother Mary Compassionate Heart Light Infusion - High Vibe Meditation
with Jeanette


December 12 (Tuesday)
at 7:00 pm (GMT-07:00)

Class length
90 minutes

online & in-person

12/12 Mother Mary Compassionate Heart Light Infusion!

This is an incredibly high vibrational light infusion meditation where the Divine Feminine known as Mother Mary - The Queen of Angels - will bless us with her gifts of sacred love, strength, compassion and nurturing.

In-person and online access available. 

We will moved through a guided meditation experience where we will have the opportunity to lay at her feet all our worries, all our challenges and all our dreams. She will enfold us in her divine mantle of protection and unconditional love...and in her embrace, we shall be reborn...

Energies supporting us in this meditation:

12/12 Stargate Activations - UNITY MANIFESTATION

12/12 = Energetic Resonance of the sacred "3" - balance, unity, harmony, honoring the cycles of all things, union in the polarity (seeming contrast).

12/12 Sacred Feminine Rising - honoring rebirth in the darkness of the womb...

* In this transformational mediation, not only will we be nurtured by the energies of the Divine Mother, but we will be offered the true essence of the Sacred Feminine Rising like a Phoenix - her true power ignites within the hearts of all living things, supporting a return to healing and creative potential through the pathways of sacred relationships, sensuality and conscious embodiment as we surrender to love...

This special meditation and energetic infusion will be a powerful blessing from the Divine Mother offering nurturing and Goddess Creation empowerment. We will join together, harnessing the exponential power of group synergy to connect our hearts and minds to the purest energies of Divine Love. This energy will assist us in MANIFESTING heaven on earth, as we plant seeds of loving intention for the New Year and beyond!

The energies during this potent star gate touched by the Divine Mother will bring together a much needed balancing of the individual needs with those of the collective, specifically within relationships...and on a larger scale, the energies of the masculine and feminine.

$33 per person

Online and in person at Radiant Soul Center in Tempe AZ

What you can expect:

* Manifestation energies that create new templates for a reality rooted in love, compassion and support for all parts of the whole.

* High Energy UNITY Light Infusion from the Divine Mother Mary.

* 12/12 stargate activation for a new wave of "awakening codes" that will support us as we move into 2024 feeling more and more guided by the love in our hearts and the light in our spirits.

* Support as we rise from the ashes of our old lives, ready to glow and shine like the stars that we are!

* Awakening of ancient healing codes through sacred relationship & union with the beloved.


* Sacred Womb Fire Immersion

* Setting the template for 2024, where themes of high Aquarian high spiritual truths, collective co-creation, releasing karmic bonds and being of service to the ALL will be at the forefront!

* Empowerment of the Divine Feminine within the individual, the collective and within Mother Earth herself.

* Blessings of the Divine Mother

2024 is a "8" year vibration, which is the vibration of Infinite Potential, as above, so below, accelerated awakening to higher spiritual truths and creation codes for abundance, prosperity, balance of the polarity within and without. It is the frequency of heavenly embodiment, of the mystical made real...

With the 8 - this 2024 new year is bringing energies of higher spiritual truths anchored in wisdom THROUGH EXPERIENCING. There will be support for rapid awakening and a falling away of old outdated systems, structures and ideologies.

* We are being shown what is in resonance with love and what we are clinging to in fear of the unknown. We are releasing the old systems and structures in our everyday lives and we are actively and consciously choosing love over fear. 

In the new year, we will be supported by Angelic Forces as well as the Phoenix Rising 'Resurrection" energy and the Crystalline Dragon Creator Codes...it is a time of truly creating a new kind of world. 

This 12/12 energy event gives us a sneak peak into some of the themes of 2024, bringing co-creation, partnership, unity, earthly and the divine into a place of sacred convergence.

I look forward to sharing this incredible mediation and light infusion event with you!

Jeanette St.Germain


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
