Radiant Soul Center

Spiritual New Years! Sacred Sound Bath with Gong, Drum Circle & Candlelight Ceremony
with Jeanette

December 31 (Sunday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
180 minutes

Radiant Soul Center

Join us for a Spiritual New Years as we ring in 2024 with a Sacred Sound Bath, Community Intentions, Drumming Circle & Candle-lighting Ceremony! 

Now is a powerful time of releasing what is no longer serving us and celebrating how far we have come! Joining together in soulful community can offer deep nourishment and support; working with sacred sound, focused intentions and the power of fire can help us to let go of the past and illuminate the path yet to come. 

Bring an open heart, a drum if you have one (drum circle to open the space) and any specific intentions you would like to manifest with our alchemizing prayers. 

$44 per person or 80 for 2
Register online or pay in person

What to expect:

* Opening - Group guided drum circle (I have drums and shakers to borrow if you don't have your own)

* Alchemizing techniques for manifesting and sharing healing prayers for the earth and the collective.

* Body movement and flow with uplifting music

* Sacred sound bath with gongs, singing bowls, intoning, drumming, chimes and alchemy bowls.

* Candlelight Ceremony where we share our light and illuminate the most aligned path for 2024.

* Light snacks and community connections 

What to bring:

* your own drum if you have one 

* extra blanket and mat (some are provided by the center)

* water and comfy clothes

* prayers and/or intentions we can help to manifest for your new year

Let me know if you have any questions - I look forward to sharing this special time with you!

Jeanette St.Germain



Sorry - that class has already taken place!
