Radiant Soul Center

Manifesting Full Moon Cacao & Breath-work Experience to welcome the Year of the Wood Dragon!
with Jeanette


February 10 (Saturday)
at 11:00 am (GMT-07:00)

Class length
120 minutes

Radiant Soul Center

SPECIAL Manifesting Cacao Ceremony & Breathwork Experience!

** Join us to welcome the energy shift into the year of the Wood Dragon according to Chinese Astrology. This day is a special opening of new year frequencies, dragon CREATOR energies and celebrations of the past to manifest the new! 

We work with the lunar cycles to honor the transitions in our lives and remember the power of change...

In this experience, we will share:

Cacao Elixir to open the heart and manifest our ideal new beginnings, transformational breath-work for release and rebirth, and high vibrational light codes to bring alignment and rejuvenation.

Join us for a powerful experience of sacred ceremony and heart connection! IGNITE, ACTIVATE and EMBODY your true divine nature! We will be invited to step more fully into authentic, boundless LOVE and create NEW possibilities for us all.

$44 per person, $80 for 2

In-person only.

You can register for a pass with the above link for the 2 person savings, or pay the day of the event.

* Space is limited so be sure to RSVP.

We will utilize these incredible tools for connection and embodiment:

- Sacred Cacao Ceremony

- Movement, Intention & Breath

- Meditation & Energy Infusion

* Engage the senses with Sacred Cacao Ceremony - Mother Cacao is a beautiful, loving, plant energy that offers us her chocolate elixir from the Amazon. As we connect with this liquid ambrosia, we are invited to open our hearts, allow our emotions to flow, and receive nourishing energies from Mother Earth and the plant kingdom.

* Energize your life-force with guided breath work & energetic balancing - open the portals between the physical and the energetic, the conscious and the sub-conscious as you engage in movement and focused breathing patterns to help you release what no longer serves you and embrace what truly does.

Breathwork is an accelerated process of rebirth, helping you to let go of old traumas, beliefs and patterns of unworthiness, stuckness, disconnect. You will be guided and supported through a process of deep release and core connection with the divine truth within you.

* Ignite & Embody your heart fire through an immersive guided meditation and energy infusion - once you have cleared the pathway of what no longer serves you, you will be invited to saturate all your senses with the energies of Source Love, with the Compassionate Heart of the Divine Mother and the boundless creator codes from the Dragon elementals! 

* Light snacks and community connection at the end of the event.

Please note - breathwork is recommended for those of sound body and mind. If you have any questions or possible contraindications, please reach out to make sure this experience is a good fit.

* It is recommended to fast for 2 hours before this experience to limit nausea and to fully receive the benefits of the cacao and breathing techniques.

I am so honored to share this transformational evening with you. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Jeanette St.Germain


Jeanette St.Germain is the founder of Radiant Soul Center in Arizona, a true playground for the soul, where all are welcome to explore what it means to embody our highest potential! She is a spiritual alchemist, committed to empowering the divine nature of the human spirit. Jeanette is a co-author in several best-selling spiritual books and holds weekly classes, meditation groups and high vibe activation events that assist in bridging the realms of energy with the realms of matter.

With a lifelong, profound connection to Spirit and over 20 years experience in the holistic wellness field, Jeanette offers unparalleled support for those ready to step into the next level of their ascension journey.


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