Radiant Soul Center

Sacred Sisterhood Drum Circle & Shamanic Journey to the Feminine
with Jeanette


February 13 (Tuesday)
at 7:00 pm (GMT-07:00)

Class length
120 minutes

online & in-person

Join us for a powerful evening of feminine embodiment practices through drumming, vocal toning, shamanic meditation and vibrational healing. 

This experience will help you to feel grounded and divinely inspired as the primordial tones take you deep into your heart beat and the rhythms of the drums help you let go of any thoughts beyond the present moment.

The feminine is the container, the sacred chalice, as well as the infinite waters that overflow. The feminine is the deep mystery, the weaver of realities, the space where all life is invited to grow. The feminine is our intuition, the pulse of our blood, the blossoming and evolution through infinite cycles of becoming. She is a part of all of us, and she is calling us home...

$44 per person, $80 for 2

In-person and online available

What you can expect:

* Intro meditation & setting sacred space

* Connection to the feminine energies within

* Guided drumming rhythms and creating music together as a group

* Vocal intoning and singing , breathing, noise-making 

* Soulful Sing-a-long

* Light Movement and grounding practices with the drums

* Shamanic drum journey to connect with your inner feminine power

* Light snacks and community sharing 

** Please bring your own drum or instrument if you have one - we do have some to borrow at the center.

I look forward to sharing this special time with you! 

Jeanette St.Germain



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