Radiant Soul Center

Spiritual Support Question & Answer Night!
with Jeanette


February 27 (Tuesday)
at 7:00 pm (GMT-07:00)

Class length
90 minutes

online & in-person

Spiritual Support Question & Answer Night!

Join us for an inspiring evening of sharing, discussion and deep dives into what it means to be "divinely human." This will be a question and answer style experience where we come together in a safe, loving space to talk about all the miraculous, strange, unusual and unexpected moments on a spiritual path of evolution. 

Each month we will pick a specific theme or just roll with it conversation style - we are here for those looking for some guidance, support and loving community. 

** Please note, some of these events may be recorded for future podcast use.

$20 love donation appreciated

Online and in-person available.

Monthly themes to support your path may include:

Ascension and Awakening

3D to 5D and beyond

Life Purpose

Soulmate & Twin Flame Myths

Navigating Frequency

Architecture of the Universe

Spiritual Tools for living a Balanced Life

Shamanic Traditions and Lineages 

Quantum Realms

Energy Healing

Shifting Timelines

Intuitive Development

Navigating Empathy & other gifts of Spirit 

Sacred Masculine and Feminine Paradigm shifts

Star-beings & otherworldly rerealms

Fairies, Dragons and other Mythical Creatures

Communication with Angels, Guides, Ancestors & Support Teams Meditation

Sacred Plant Medicine 

Plant Medicine Integration

Psychedelic Experiences

Sound Healing


Mediumship and Spirit Counseling 

Sacred Geometry and more!

I can't wait to share this beautiful experience with you! Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

Jeanette St.Germain


Jeanette St.Germain is the founder of Radiant Soul Center in Arizona, a true sanctuary of soul, where all are welcome to explore what it means to be divinely human. Jeanette is a co-author in several best-selling spiritual books and holds weekly classes, meditation groups and high vibe activation events that assist in bridging the realms of energy with the realms of matter. She has served clients all over the world as a multi-dimensional channel, psychic medium and powerful energetic healer; Jeanette's private sessions and public events often include inspired angelic messages, clarity of life purpose, and deep healing through all layers of the energy field. 

With a lifelong, profound connection to Spirit and over 20 years experience in the holistic wellness field, Jeanette offers unparalleled support for leaders of rising consciousness and those ready to step into the next level of their ascension journey. 

Please visit www.jeanettestgermain.com to learn more and to receive your free manifesting meditation audio download. 


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