Radiant Soul Center

Elemental Light Codes & Energy Activation Experience! Intro to Elemental Alchemy
with Jeanette


August 27 (Tuesday)
at 7:00 pm (GMT-07:00)

Class length
120 minutes

online & in-person

Elemental Activations & Light Codes to support your Awakening!
* Online and in-person available.

Join us for a powerful evening of elemental alchemy, guided meditation, and light code activation! The energies in this experience will help to support your Ascension journey by connecting you to the elements of nature and bringing balance to the life force within. 

There are so many incredible shifts happening all across the planet - transformations in weather, society, governments, environments, and consciousness. People are coming together to pray for rain, to send healing to the plants and animals, and offering emotional and financial support in so many different ways. 

This is all wonderful, but there is also a desire to do more, to learn to focus our intentions more clearly, to be in full alignment with Love and the flow of the universe.

So Spirit has guided me to offer this activation event, where we gather in sacred community to create space for the energies of nature to be rejuvenated and balanced.

I have been asked to share the basics of "Elemental Alchemy" so that when we do something like pray for rain, we do so from a place of alignment and understanding the cycles nature.

* If we are unconscious of our intentions, we can actually create more harm than good - it is so important that we are aware of asking for permission, honoring free will and aligning our intentions with love for all aspects of creation, including the parts we may perceive as creating destruction.

$44 per person, $80 for 2
Online and in-person available

What you can expect:
* Intro to working with the elements of nature.
* Intro to honoring elemental consciousness and asking for their assistance.
* Connecting with the Dragon Guardians, Fairy, Angelic and nature spirits to support balance and harmony across the planet.
* Honoring the ancestors.
* Offerings to honor the sacredness of this work.
* Basics of Earth Healing Energy Work
* Basics of Weather Weaving
* Group Meditation where we connect with the Heart of Mother Gaia and the Elementals to offer support & healing where requested.

Please know, we always have the choice to engage or to observe, to remain unattached or to create change in the world by embodying the very energies we wish to see in the external.

Please let me know if you have any questions; I look forward to connecting and sharing this sacred space with you!
Jeanette St.Germain

Jeanette St.Germain is a spiritual author, teacher, and speaker. She has served clients all over the world as a multi-dimensional channel, psychic medium, and energetic healer committed to helping others embrace their own inner radiance! Her private sessions and public events often include inspired angelic messages, clarity of life purpose, and deep healing through all layers of the energy field.


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