IN - PERSON at Radiant Soul Center in Tempe
In this high vibrational event, Jeanette will introduce the Divine Feminine Creation Light known as Sophia: the collective consciousness of all forms of God/Goddess energy — universal consciousness at the highest levels of love and empowerment.
Sophia will share tips, tools and techniques to empower the divine feminine in our daily lives. We’ll learn what it means to be “divinely human” and why it is so important to bring a sense of balance and wholeness to the different aspects of who we are.
We’ll explore how the divine feminine and divine masculine energies are being called to union now through our human experience, so that we can restore the original plan of “unconditional love” expressed in material form.
We’ll also dive deep into the true nature and purpose of the human soul — why we are here and what we are becoming — and learn to connect with the Divine Feminine in new ways to honor the path of evolution for each other and the Earth.
This class will be part sharing and part meditation/light infusion. You’ll get to experience an awakening of your inner divine spark like never before!
$15 per person, online registration required, through Unity of Phoenix.
I can't wait to share these incredible energies of SOURCE love with you - please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Jeanette St. Germain
Jeanette St.Germain is a spiritual author, teacher, and speaker. She has served clients all over the world as a multi-dimensional channel, psychic medium, and energetic healer committed to helping others embrace their own inner radiance! Her private sessions and public events often include inspired angelic messages, clarity of life purpose, and deep healing through all layers of the energy field.