NEW CLASS - Spiritual Hygiene 101 - Evolving in excitement, joy and unity!
Online and in-person at Radiant Soul Center
* New Spiritual Alchemy Techniques - beginning and advanced levels, guided by attendees. Whatever you need will be discussed, all levels welcome!
As we grow in sensitivity and choose experiences rooted in our true spiritual nature, every day human life can sometimes feel overwhelming and become more difficult to navigate. As we shift into more unity consciousness fields, well-known techniques for cutting cords, clearing chakras and stating protections don't seem to work as well as they used to.
If you would like to learn some simple ways of balancing your energies and really up-level your spiritual evolution, join us for a powerful evening of exploring spiritual hygiene practices (basic and advanced) that can not only help shift from a low place to a light place, but shift our environment and experiencing of life in general.
$33 per person, $50 for 2
Membership class packages available
What is spiritual hygiene?
According to, spiritual hygiene is:
“ A set of practices that is concerned with maintaining a clean subtle body to promote and maintain physical health and well-being. Just as dirt accumulates on your skin, energies constantly accumulate on your subtle body and in your home. It affects how you feel, what you think, how others perceive you, what effects you have on your surroundings, how much you are in touch with yourself, and how much stress and fear you have in your life.”
What you can expect in this class:
* Learning "what is spiritual hygiene."
* Why is this important?
* Basic introduction to chakras and auric fields.
* Daily Practices for clearing, cleansing, transmuting, rejuvenating and raising your vibration.
* Energy Practices
* Physical Practices
* Alchemy Practices
* General daily practices and sample intentions
* Situation specific hygiene (example - bad dreams, psychic attack, life stressors)
* Situation specific intentions and focusing of energies
* Hands-on practice - how to smudge, chant mantra, drum, work with crystals for balancing, and more.
* Crystals for deflection, entity removal, clearing, daily hygiene
* Violet Flame & Grounding Techniques
* Why cutting and clearing only works sometimes - navigating unity consciousness energy fields.
* Emanating your true energy - how and why.
* Divine Light Invocation
BONUS - Guided meditation to reset to your inner light.
Let me know if you have any questions and l look forward to sharing this special evening with you!
Jeanette St.Germain