Radiant Soul Center

Unity Soul Map Readings - Learn the Genealogy of Your Soul!
with Jeanette


July 20 (Tuesday)
at 7:00 pm (GMT-07:00)

Class length
120 minutes

online & in-person

SOUL Map Readings - Learn the Genealogy of your Soul and receive messages to assist you on your human journey...Connect with your Multi-dimensional higher self and receive incredible messages, insights & energy straight from your highest light!

* Soul Map Readings with Jeanette online and in-person at Radiant Soul Center.

Join me for a new HIGH vibrational event that will offer you never before shared insights about the nature of the universe, the multidimensionality of the soul, and the special part that YOU play in ALL that is!

Have you felt pulled to "something more," somehow knowing that what we see and understand as reality is only one part of a much bigger existence? Do you often feel "like an alien on the wrong planet," and wish to understand more about who you really and why you are here? Would you like some guidance and insight about your "soul purpose?"

If so, then please join us for this incredible night of Soul Map Readings - all that is required is an open mind, an open heart, and a loving curiosity for the realms of the seen and unseen! It will be a powerful evening of messages, inspiration, healing, and heavenly connection from the realms of Spirit!

* This event will take the idea of Ascension to a whole new level - not only will we discuss why we are here, and what we are doing on the Earth plane at this time, but Jeanette will offer individual, personalized "Soul Map" readings for all guests!

Please note, this event is a very unique offering, usually reserved for individual private sessions, as the information shared through Spirit and the Soul Reading can sound quite miraculous and incredible!

$44 per person, $80 for 2

What you can expect from this event:

* Individual Soul Map Reading for each guest! Answering questions like -

What is the makeup of my soul? Where have I been, where am I going, where am I now on the journey of the evolution of the soul?

* Information shared during the soul readings may include but are not limited to:

Information and healing from past lives, concurrent lifetimes, fairy realms, star origins, connections to the Christ lineage through the Essences, discovering connections to ancient Atlantis and/or Lumeria, Egypt, Mayan roots, Inca, exploring otherworldly dimensions and experiences you may have had in childhood, such as astral traveling, seeing auras, communicating with spirits, plants, animals, rocks, and more!

* Your Soul Map reading will feature messages from your Higher Self, your Angels, Guides, Support Teams, Akashic Keepers, Star Brothers and Sisters, Elemental Counsels, and more.

* The readings are guided by the energy of Spirit, and each reading will be unique to each person, as well as to the collective energy of the group. Please know that all messages offered will follow the intention that what is shared serves only the best and highest good of the NOW moment, individually and collectively.

* If there is information of a highly sensitive nature (best not shared in a group setting) Jeanette will honor this and set up a time to speak more privately.

* WHY are we offering Soul Map Readings? Spirit has shown that NOW is the time to fully step into not only who we are, but the power that we all hold to create real, lasting change in this world.

** By gaining a greater understanding of who, what and where we are, in relation to the experiences and realities of our soul nature, we will be able to tap into previously unknown or subconscious gifts, energies and abilities, in order to assist in creating a space of Heaven on Earth for ALL!

** This message night will be dedicated to guidance that is focused on upliftment, new beginnings, and offering insights regarding the nature and design of your soul and higher purpose.

I am so excited to share this beautiful evening with you! Please let me know if you have any questions!

Jeanette St.Germain


Jeanette St.Germain is a spiritual author, teacher, and speaker. She has served clients all over the world as a multi-dimensional channel, psychic medium, and energetic healer committed to helping others embrace their own inner radiance! Her private sessions and public events often include inspired angelic messages, clarity of life purpose, and deep healing through all layers of the energy field.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
